Sunday, 28 August 2011

5 and a half weeks old

Sorry it's been a while - we have been busy..............

Fighting for a sock rather than with each other....

How cute am I?

Doing a good impression of a HOWWWWLLLLLLL....

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

4 weeks old already - where has the time gone?

"...I did what you said but then he bit my ear Mum!"

Investigating a raw chicken wing

Sorry Mum - couldn't hold it any longer

Morning sponge down

Morning stroll

Hmm what will today bring?

Sunday, 7 August 2011


Lillevenn, Kennel Club name Scherzando Applause, was bred from working lines by Christine Bridgwater near Winchester on May 11 2009 out of Scherzando Libra and Earnsfield Reeve.
We first and foremost wanted a companion (Barbara had just retired and the last of our four children was due to disappear off to University any time soon) and in Lillevenn we soon discovered that we had one.

Butter wouldn't melt....

Lillevenn two years ago at 9-10 weeks

At just over 2 years old she is a very affectionate, well-behaved, intelligent companion who has slotted into our lives perfectly. Last September she spent a week with us in a beautiful National Trust property in the Peak District. In October she travelled from Kent to Sunderland in a packed train and back without turning a hair.

However what we didn't fully appreciate until later was how proficient our little pup was at hunting for retrieves - she was VERY good at it and it was clear that this was where she got most of her enjoyment from.

From 5 months old we took her to obedience classes.

She passed the bronze, silver and gold Good Behaviour Awards and becaming increasingly steady. To foster her love of hunting and retrieving we started local gun dog classes. Still young, her training is ongoing but she is enjoying the challenges thrown up by working with the Southern Golden Retriever Society.

Lillevenn (far right) at her first working test in Sussex aged 11 months
(Click for full view)

When we decided that we would like another dog just like our first we decided to breed from Lillevenn. With advice from an expert (Christine), in May we took Lillevenn to Yorkshire to mate with Boycie, aka Birdsgreen Sweet Reward of Castlemans, himself a Field Trial Champion.

We (Barbara and Simon) are not experienced breeders, although we have learned huge amounts from Lillevenn's breeder, Christine Bridgwater and also from Philippa Williams and Peter Bates in Yorkshire, who provided the services of Boycie, the sire. All three are nationally respected breeders and judges. Barbara has spent the last two years soaking up all the expertise she can find.

After four and a half weeks of nervous waiting, a scan revealed Lille WAS pregnant - with 7 puppies! Puppies were due around 22nd July. In fact the pups were born early -late on Tuesday evening, 19th July and in the early hours of Wednesday, 20th July.
Information about Lillevenn and Boycie's kennels can be found via the links.

Saturday, 6 August 2011

19 days old

"This could be confusing.."



"Heh heh..."

Look at us now! We can stand, sit, walk, yawn and bite each other - this is more like it......

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Two weeks old...

"Yuck! Worming paste."

"That was horrible! And exhausting..."

"Fuss pots!"

Monday, 1 August 2011

13 days old and growing even more!!!!

Pups learning how to relax. Eyes are beginning to open and they've had their first nail clipping episode to spare poor mum. Just beginning to walk - as if they've had a few too many....Click on the photos and see us at just about actual size!